Japaakusuma Samkaasham kaashyapeyam Mahadhyuthim !
Tamorim Sarva Paapagni Pranathosmi Divaakaram !!
Tamorim Sarva Paapagni Pranathosmi Divaakaram !!
I bow down to the Sun god, who is the cause of the day-break, who dispels all darkness, who destrorys all sins, who is matchless in brilliance, who is the son of Kashyapa and who is as red as the Japa Kusuma Flower.
" Múla Mantra "
Ōm ghrņi sūrya āditiyom
Aśva dhvajāya vidmahe pāśa hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno sūrya pracōdayāt
The sun is resplendent in brilliance (Mahadyuti). He is as red as the (Japakusuma) red hibiscus flower. The Sun is the dispeller of darkness (Tamorim) external and internal. He is the invigorator and inspirer of intelligence. Sin is said to be the agitation and worry that nags the mind as a result of an action done against the dignity of one’s own self. Surya gives light and knowledge and burn down the results of wrong acts. Hence he is called Sarvapapagnam. He is also known as the lord of the day (Divakaram).
Known as Aditya, he is the eldest son of Kasyapa. He is the life-giving force. It is He who supports all life by his rays of light and energy. He is the dynamic principle behind all colors, tints and hues. When he rises in the sky He is blood red in complexion and dispels all darkness. Those who worship Him find their inertia and torpor getting destroyed.
Surya is said to be inviolable, imperishable and eternal. He represents eternity in the midst of changes, and also the indivisible principle in the midst of disintegrating worlds.
Surya must always be placed in the center of the planets, facing east, with the other Grahas fixed round him. His chariot has one wheel, is drawn by seven horses and has Aruna as the charioteer
" Múla Mantra "
Ōm ghrņi sūrya āditiyom
Aśva dhvajāya vidmahe pāśa hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno sūrya pracōdayāt
The sun is resplendent in brilliance (Mahadyuti). He is as red as the (Japakusuma) red hibiscus flower. The Sun is the dispeller of darkness (Tamorim) external and internal. He is the invigorator and inspirer of intelligence. Sin is said to be the agitation and worry that nags the mind as a result of an action done against the dignity of one’s own self. Surya gives light and knowledge and burn down the results of wrong acts. Hence he is called Sarvapapagnam. He is also known as the lord of the day (Divakaram).
Known as Aditya, he is the eldest son of Kasyapa. He is the life-giving force. It is He who supports all life by his rays of light and energy. He is the dynamic principle behind all colors, tints and hues. When he rises in the sky He is blood red in complexion and dispels all darkness. Those who worship Him find their inertia and torpor getting destroyed.
Surya is said to be inviolable, imperishable and eternal. He represents eternity in the midst of changes, and also the indivisible principle in the midst of disintegrating worlds.
Surya must always be placed in the center of the planets, facing east, with the other Grahas fixed round him. His chariot has one wheel, is drawn by seven horses and has Aruna as the charioteer