Om !!!!!
The Holy Nine Nights.
The Behind.
First we start up with Paksha .
The maaha navaratri, why it is falling in Shukla Paksha instead of Krishna paksha? In fact the festivals primarily celebrated on earth will come in the Shukla Paksha (No moon toward full moon). In case a festival is primarily celebrated in other lokas will come in Krishna paksha (No moon toward full moon for other lokas, where for us Full moon toward No moon).
Second we move to Ayanam/Ayana.
Why the Sharada Navaratri is much important/popular than Vasanta Navaratri ? The simple logic is Ayanam/Ayana. Well we know (As per Sanatan Dharm) that Day is for masculine gender and the Night is for feminine.
- All male god worship in day times and female god in evening times.
- Like wise divide the year in to two part as Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.
- Uttarayana for male and Dakshinayana for female.
- Dakshinayana is time for worshiping female gods and the navaratri come in this period celebrated as maha navaratri.
In the Dakshinayana - Month of Ashwin(Tamil - Purattasi/ Iypasi) - Shukla Paksha on Ekam (first Day) to Navmi (9th day).
These nine days are called Sharadeeya Navratri.
In this nine day’s Night, we pray goddess Durga – Lakshmi – Saraswati.
1st three days for Durga – 2nd three days for Lakshmi –last for Saraswati.
*On the eight day of this Navratri, Goddess Saraswati’s Birth day.
These nine days also have a special significance for unmarried girls.
Navratri Pujan Vidhi – Navratri Puja Procedure
From the words of Goddess – “In Ashwin month (Ashwayuja masam), from Shukla Paksha Pratipada (Padyami) to Navami thithi, Navaratri vrata is observed. Those who are not able to observe fasting can also take meal one time a day.
Ghatasthapana / Kalasha Sthapana is performed on Pratipada tithi. Grow seeds of grains in a clay pot or bowl. Install Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Maha Saraswati and worship the Goddesses. Offer Arghyam with flowers, fruits, and other puja material. On the day of culmination of Navratri vrat, offer ‘dakshina’ to the Brahmin. Peforming Homa or Yagna during Navratri is highly meritorious. Those who perform Navratri vrat will be blessed with the similar merits of ‘Ashwamedha Yaga’.
Happy Navaratri !!!